Teaching Notes From EME5601: Introduction to Instructional Systems (Fall 2023)
This page compiles all of my slide decks as I teach EME5601: Introduction to Instructional Systems at Florida State University. Enjoy!
Course Description
The goal of this course is for you to develop adequate knowledge of the systematic approach to instructional design, the contexts of application of this approach, and the roles of professionals in this field to be able to adapt and apply the process in a flexible and innovative manner, especially to large-scale projects.
Learning Objectives
At the end of this course, students will be able to:
- Analyze and describe an organization in systems terms.
- Compare and contrast ISD models in terms of their appropriateness for a given set of education or training development requirements.
- Prepare a plan for conducting a front-end analysis that covers needs assessment, learner analysis, and environmental analysis.
- Conduct a job/task analysis for a portion of a job and determine what tasks, skills, attitudes, and areas of knowledge require training.
- Produce an ISD process that is tailored to the education and training requirements of a specific organization.
Rothwell, W., Benscoter, B., King, M., & King, S. B. (2016). Mastering the instructional design process: A systematic approach (5th ed.). Wiley.
Module 1: Introduction to Instructional Systems Design
- Rothwell et al. (2016): Chapter 1
Module 2: Systems Analysis
- Rothwell et al. (2016): Chapters 17-19
View the slides at https://bretsw.com/eme5601-fs23-module2/, or scroll through below:
Module 3: Instructional Systems Design & Human Performance Technology
- Rothwell et al. (2016): Chapters 6-7, 10, 20
View the slides at https://bretsw.com/eme5601-fs23-module3/, or scroll through below:
Module 4: Needs Assessment
- Rothwell et al. (2016): Chapters 2-5
View the slides at https://bretsw.com/eme5601-fs23-module4/, or scroll through below:
Module 5: Work Analysis
- Rothwell, W. J., & Kazanas, H. C. (2008). Performing work analysis. In Mastering the instructional design process: A systematic approach (4th ed., Ch. 7, pp. 130-168). Wiley. LINK
- What is task analysis? Definition, how to and examples (Indeed Editorial Team, 2023)
- Hahn, H. A., Houghton, F. K., & Youngblood, A. (1995). Job-task analysis: Which way?: Three methods for making human resource decisions. Ergonomics in Design, 3(4), 22–28. https://doi.org/10.1177/106480469500300405
View the slides at https://bretsw.com/eme5601-fs23-module5/, or scroll through below:
Module 6: Design & Development
- Rothwell et al. (2016): Chapters 8-9, 11-12
View the slides at https://bretsw.com/eme5601-fs23-module6/, or scroll through below:
Module 7: Evaluation
- Rothwell et al. (2016): Chapters 13-16
View the slides at https://bretsw.com/eme5601-fs23-module7/, or scroll through below: