class: left, bottom, title-slide .title[ # Module 3: A Handbook’s Tale ] .subtitle[ ## EME6665: Synthesis, Analysis, & Argumentation ] .author[ ### Dr. Bret Staudt Willet ] .date[ ### September 23, 2024 ] --- class: inverse, center, middle #
**View the slides:** []( --- class: inverse, center, middle #
<br><br> Module 2 <br> Recap --- #
Screening <img src="img/filter.jpg" width="480px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- **Practical screening:** (Fink, 2020) -- - Publication date: **year > 2019** (within the past 5 years) -- - Source: Peer-reviewed journal articles, **impact factor > 1** (see FSU Libraries' [Academic Publishing Guide]( --- #
Screening <img src="img/filter.jpg" width="480px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> **Methodological screening:** (Fink, 2020) -- - Population and setting -- - Date of data collection -- - Paradigm and methodology -- - Evidence supporting claims (trustworthiness, validity, reliability) --- #
Structuring the Dissertation <img src="img/build.jpg" width="640px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - Follow the [FSU template for dissertations]( -- - Use APA style (citations, formatting, voice, tense) --- #
Good Writing <img src="img/write.jpg" width="480px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- - Clearly define your concepts -- - Clearly state the problem, your purpose, and the research questions -- - Clearly describe your processes for reviewing the literature and selecting your methods -- - Be consistent (use the same terms and phrases over and over) --- class: inverse, center, middle #
<br><br> Module 3:<br>A Handbook's Tale --- #
Starting Your Search <img src="img/search1.jpg" width="540px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- 1. Generative AI: [ChatGPT]( | [Google Gemini]( | [Microsoft Copilot]( -- 2. Web Search: []( | [duckduckgo]( -- 3. Wikipedia: []( --- #
Searching the Literature <img src="img/search2.jpg" width="540px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- 1. Google Scholar: []( -- 2. Databases (FSU library OneSearch: []( -- 3. Systematic Literature Reviews (see Module 4) -- 4. **Handbook Chapters (Module 3):** [Search FSU Libraries](,exact,Handbooks,%20manuals,%20etc,AND&tab=Everything&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01FALSC_FSU:Home&mode=advanced&offset=0) --- class: inverse, center, middle #
<br><br> Module 3 Readings --- #
Module 3 Readings (3.1) ### Handbook chapter: "Networked Learning" (Natriello, 2016) -- <img src="img/3-handbook-chapter.png" width="420px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <div class="caption"> <p>Handbook of Educational Psychology (3rd ed.), L. Corno & E. M. Anderman (Eds.)</p> </div> <img src="img/3-handbook-cover.png" width="420px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- #
Module 3 Readings (3.1) ### Handbook chapter: "Networked Learning" (Natriello, 2016) <img src="img/3-ducks.jpg" width="600px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> <div class="caption"> <p>(Lee & Trace, 2009)</p> </div> --- #
Module 3 Readings (3.2) ### Choose-Your-Own-Adventure <img src="img/3-cyoa-books.jpg" width="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- #
Module 3 Readings (3.2) ### Choose-Your-Own-Adventure <img src="img/choose.jpg" width="600px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- - Pick a **handbook chapter** relevant to your research topic -- - Read **5 articles** cited in the handbook chapter --- #
Module 3 Readings (3.2) ### Choose-Your-Own-Adventure ([Search FSU Libraries](,exact,Handbooks,%20manuals,%20etc,AND&tab=Everything&search_scope=MyInst_and_CI&vid=01FALSC_FSU:Home&mode=advanced&offset=0)) <img src="img/3-handbook-ed-psych.jpg" width="20%" /><img src="img/3-handbook-learning-sci.jpg" width="20%" /><img src="img/3-handbook-ect.jpg" width="20%" /> <img src="img/3-handbook-hpt.jpg" width="20%" /><img src="img/3-handbook-training.jpg" width="20%" /><img src="img/3-handbook-adult-ed.jpg" width="20%" /> --- class: inverse, center, middle #
<br><br> Looking Ahead --- #
Semester Schedule - Module 1: Threads of Chapter One - Module 2: Do You Trust Me? - **Module 3: A Handbook's Tale** - Module 4: Systematic Not Automatic - Module 5: Synthesis Over Summary - Module 6: Elements of Style (for Academic Writing) - Module 7: Weaving Together Chapter One --- #
Assignment: Topic Reflection -- 1. Pick **1 handbook chapter** -- 2. Read **5 articles** cited in the chapter -- 3. Reflect on how these five studies help you view your dissertation research topic in a new way -- - New frameworks, new links between topics, new methods -- 4. Compose a brief paper detailing these reflections (**750-1,250 words**) -- - Brief summary and comments on trustworthiness of each article -- <hr> ### Your main objective is **synthesis**: <br><br> -- ### conncting the studies to each other and to your research topic --- class: inverse, center, middle #
<br><br> Questions <hr> **What questions can I answer for you now?** **How can I support you this week?** <hr>
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