class: left, bottom, title-slide .title[ # Module 7: Weaving Together Ch. 1 ] .subtitle[ ## EME6665: Synthesis, Analysis, & Argumentation ] .author[ ### Dr. Bret Staudt Willet ] .date[ ### November 27, 2023 ] --- class: inverse, center, middle #
**View the slides:** []( --- class: inverse, center, middle #
<br><br> Module 7 <br> Weaving Together Chapter One --- #
Structure <img src="img/frame.jpg" width="720px%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Your problem (introduction) and framework sections can help to **provide structure** to your lit review --- #
Bridge <img src="img/bridge.jpg" width="720px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> Your lit review is a **bridge between** the problem (introduction) and your research questions --- class: inverse, center, middle #
<br><br> Looking ahead --- #
Semester schedule - Module 1: Threads of Chapter One - Module 2: Do You Trust Me? - Module 3: A Handbook's Tale - Module 4: Systematic Not Automatic - Module 5: Synthesis Over Summary - Module 6: Elements of Style (for Academic Writing) - **Module 7: Weaving Together Chapter One** --- #
Final Assignment <img src="img/7-weave.jpg" width="240px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- **Objective:** Compile previously identified and evaluated research to compose a **complete** and **coherent** dissertation literature review. -- Chapter one pulls together an introduction, the literature review, a framework, and research questions. -- <hr> -- - **Introduction** -- - Research topic -- - Problem -- - Purpose --- #
Final Assignment <img src="img/7-weave.jpg" width="240px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- **Objective:** Compile previously identified and evaluated research to compose a **complete** and **coherent** dissertation literature review. Chapter one pulls together an introduction, the literature review, a framework, and research questions. <hr> - **Literature Review** -- - **Framework** -- - **Research Questions** --- #
Final Assignment <img src="img/7-weave.jpg" width="240px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> - **Key elements** -- - Synthesis of past research -- - Significance of past research -- - An argument -- - Alignment and focus -- - Narrative flow --- #
Final Assignment <img src="img/7-weave.jpg" width="240px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> **Objective:** Compile previously identified and evaluated research to compose a **complete** and **coherent** dissertation literature review. -- <hr> - **Introduction** - **Literature Review** - **Framework** - **Purpose & Research Questions** --- #
Order: Soccer Formations <img src="img/soccer.jpg" width="540px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> -- - Introduction + Literature Review + Framework + Purpose & Research Questions -- - Introduction + Framework + Literature Review + Purpose & Research Questions -- - Introduction + Framework + Purpose & Research Questions + Literature Review --- class: inverse, center, middle #
<br><br> Questions <hr> **What questions can I answer for you now?** **How can I support you this week?** <hr>
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